As a mostly non-practicing,"mixed" family (I am Jewish, my husband is not) we are very happy to have discovered the warm, accepting and educational experience at SGI Summer Camp. Our children are provided with a fun, safe and activity filled camp experience. The staff at camp couldn't be more welcoming or less judgemental about our "Jewishness", and embrace our kids as all others.
My daughter tends to be on the shy side in new situations, but she really seemed to enjoy her first week. A big, new camp can be very intimidating, yet she started to feel comfortable quite quickly. Even though you run a large camp with a lot of students, I did not feel like she was just a number. In fact, I am really impressed with the time and attention you give to each camper. I'm equally impressed with your level of organization, attention to detail, ease of use of your website and the breadth of activities and field trips you offer.
Deborah |S. Clemente
Camp is the best because we get to go on trips, make challah every Friday for Shabbat, and hop on pogo sticks. I also love the zip lines
Our two children, ages 7 and 11, had their first experience at Camp Silver Gan Israel this summer. The only thing we regret about this, is that we waited so long to send them! Our children attended multiple camps of every conceivable type throughout the years, including other Jewish summer camps. Their experience at Camp SGI was undoubtedly the best camp experience they ever had and, as a result, the most satisfied we had ever been with their time in summer camp.
The directors immediately welcomed us with a warmth and sense of familiarity that set the tone for once our children began their first camp session. The warmth, dedication, and energy of the staff; the diversity of the daily activities; and the weaving of Jewish values and traditions into the camp experience provided our children with everything we could have hoped for in a camp experience: limitless fun, learning, and solidifying their Jewish identity by establishing new friendships and meaningful connections with camp staff.
The most powerful endorsement we can give Camp SGI is that our older child, who was often uninspired by previous camp experiences and more than willing to say so, recently expressed the desire to go Camp SGI again this summer. We are more than pleased to grant that request. We look forward to both our children continuing to attend Camp SGI this coming summer and beyond, so they may continue to explore the limitless wonders of childhood in an environment that offers so many opportunities to do so.
Ilan and Melanie
Camp Silver Gan Israel has been a part of our family for many years. This unique family atmosphere helps nurture our Jewish life, and expands our community experience.
My daughter completely loved the camp and had a great time this year. she has previously gone to the camp at the ____-Irvine, and a Jewish day camp in Northern California earlier this summer, and she loves Camp SGI, by far and away, the most.
Thank you for helping to make this an excellent summer and great experience for her.
David |Anaheim
I just wanted you to know how grateful M. and I are that she was able to attend summer camp at Gan Izzy. She had a wonderful time. It was an incredible experience for her to be exposed to different aspects of her religion and the cultures, not to mention be among other Jewish children (she felt the connection/bond for the first time ever since she may have only one or two Jewish friends at her elementary school, at most, the ones she had met last year). You gave her confidence in her faith which at her public school can sometimes be difficult.
If it weren't for you, not to mention the generous scholarship you offered her so that she could get the opportunity of a lifetime. I could never fully express my gratitude to you both, there are not enough words for me to say that would describe how much we appreciate everything you have done for the two of us. No one has ever given us such an incredible, wonderful, awe inspiring gift as the gift you bestowed upon us. She will remember this summer for the rest of her life. She loved everything about the camp. The songs, the stories that were told, the crafts, the trips, and most importantly-the bonds she developed with her newfound friends. One of her bunkmates’ mothers, S.'s Mom, called me last week. She lives less than a mile from where we live. I was so thrilled that she called, we talked for several minutes and made plans for a play date this coming week. I never got a chance to really meet any of her bunkmates there. See, I even found a new friend thanks to Campsgi.
Thank you for having such a wonderful camp.
I can't tell you how much Brendan is looking forward to SGI! He didn't get to go last summer, which made him and I quite sad, so he is over-revved for the fun!!!! And you have such an incredible "Brendan-type" lineup!!!! (You know, he's crazy for the thrills.)
Silver Gan Israel was always marvelous, but over the past few years it has become "marvelous squared," or "marvelous times marvelous." It struck me lately when I was looking at the camp calendar—good heavens! What an incredible lineup of activities SGI now offers. So many outings, for so many different levels of campers. When Brendan was younger, the camp was basically a trip on Tuesday and a trip on Thursday, and then in-camp activities like swimming the other days. Which was wonderful, he loved it! But especially for a "let me go on the big rides" type like our go-go Brendan, what SGI now offers is just off the charts. Incredible!
And it must be an incredible effort to create. Just so you know that we incredibly appreciate it, and Brendan incredibly loves it!
Kim, Huntington Beach |
I want to thank you for giving me, C, D and M a priceless gift: the chance to experience the best summer of our lives together. It's difficult to see it end. I wish time could stand still.
The staff and counselors at Camp Silver Gan Israel have given my children nine weeks of nurturing, experiences, excitement and enrichment. They have told me repeatedly it's been their best summer. And, thanks to you, I've been able to experience it with them. The two months of camp gave them a chance to really bond with their counselors and bunkmates. They really look up to and adore their counselors.
I've seen firsthand how you fill each day with worthwhile activities that strengthen the children's minds, bodies and spirits. I've gotten to know the counselors — each one a great role model for the boys and girls in their bunk. They lead by example, teaching kindness, acceptance, compassion and the joy of being Jewish. If these young men and women are examples of the future of Judaism, we are all fortunate.
Thank you again for what you've given me and my family.
I want to express my sincere appreciation to you and all of the staff of Camp Silver Gan Israel. My son completed his time at camp today. Each day, he came flying through the door, excited and exhausted after his many adventures.
His first all-day camp experience, a seed has been planted not only with him but with the rest of our family as well. Dropping him off each morning, I was greeted warmly. Leaving him with his peers, I walked away feeling safe about who he was with and how he would spend his day. I am excited for what next summer may have in store for S. as well as his younger sister, M.
Thank you for such an amazing experience! The thought, energy and love you and your staff put into each day is reflected through the eyes of my child.
Jennifer | Huntington Beach